Events with Philip Lipetz








July 14th & 15th     10a-6p

United Life Spiritual Center

3332 N. Meridian 

Each of us is part of the great flow of consciousness that has existed from the first moment of creation and will pass into the boundless future.  The only thing going on in this world is creation returning to the pure consciousness powering the wondrous play that constantly flows around and through us. Each moment touches only a very small part of our real identity.  We see only the shadow of the channels that flow through us today. If we could see the flow of consciousness that creates the illusion of our life we would escape the limits of time, escape the slavery that binds us to accidents of birth and circumstance.  

The ancient mystics said that everything was just the expansion of consciousness, which is another way of saying that everything is the expansion of information flow.  For the first time humanity has a single paradigm that unites, spirituality, civilization, technology and basic science.  This knowledge may be the most important step in our long journey to transcendent awareness, a journey measured not only by our individual awareness but also by our collective consciousness as expressed by culture, wealth and technology.  

WATCH THIS VIDEO, From  Pure Consciousness, Miracles Flow.

About Dr. Lipetz

Philip Lipetz PhD is a prize winning scientist and entrepreneur who has devoted his life to understanding information flow.  As CEO and founder of several technology companies, he explored the business of maximizing information flow in ways that culminated in successful sales of the companies.  That work was featured in media outlets such as Fortune, Forbes INC, and many more.  As an investment advisor and venture capitalist, he helped take more than 40 technology companies public in IPOs ranging from the NYSE to penny stocks.  Among these companies was the first video chip company.  As CEO of a software company, his work won MacWorld and MacUser product of the year graphics awards.  His time as an Assistant Professor of Radiology helped create a health effort that gave rise to a best selling book as well as products.   He also took time to explore ancient knowledge about information flow. But with the rise of modern technology, it is no longer necessary to retreat from the world to find the goal of all existence, the more you engage in technology the more you align consciousness with the ultimate truth.


Tuition: $249 if registered and paid in full by 7/7/2012.  Details provided upon registration.  $293 after 7/7/2012.

Limited private consultations and healings with Philip may be available.  Please inquire as to his availability.  

Fee for a private session is $122.

Please contact Brooke Cannoot with any questions and to register for the workshop and/or private sessions at  574.360.4090 or email at